Sunday, June 29, 2008

"Pattern for Successful Living"- How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life- Part 8

This message is about how to live a successful life. Many people end up in different places in their life, but you can end up somewhere on purpose by following a pattern for successful living that is Biblically based. A definition of success is a life well-spent.

There are 4 elements in the pattern for successful living:

1. Evaluation: facing your faults
(What do you need to change?)

2. Elimination: forgetting the former
(What memory do you need to let go of?)

3. Concentration: Focus on the future
(What is your goal for the rest of your life?)

4. Determination: Fight to the finish
(Life is a race, finish well.)

To hear more about each of the 4 elements and more, listen here.