Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What Makes Something Biblical?

This message talks about what makes something biblical.

When God speaks

1. Things will never be the same

2. It may not sound biblical

My possible responses

1. Blind acceptance

2. Join the chorus of critics

3. Take the “Lets wait and see” approach

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

E50-OT Seminar - The Immanuel Promise in the Old Testament

This message is about "The Immanuel Promise in the Old Testament" - This will trace the biblical promise, "I will be your God, you will be my people, and I will live among you" through the Old Testament to its New Testament fulfillment in Jesus Christ and his body the Church.

E50-OT Seminar - Old Testament Background for the Mark of the Beast

This message is about "Old Testament Background for the Mark of the Beast" - This will trace the typological motif of marking for protection, of which the Mark of the Beast is nothing but an evil counterfeit.

How Can Christians Trust The Old Testament? - Bible Scholar Dale Brueggemann

This message talks about how Christians can trust the Old Testament.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why Bother With The Old Testament - E50-OT

This message talks about why the Old Testament is important.

1. The OT doesn’t always make sense

2. The OT is realistic

3. The OT shows life with God

In the pages of the OT we . . .

1. . . . rediscover God the Father

2. . . . see God at work

3. . . . a God who wants relationship

4. . . . see the Bible Jesus read