Sunday, June 29, 2008

"Pattern for Successful Living"- How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life- Part 8

This message is about how to live a successful life. Many people end up in different places in their life, but you can end up somewhere on purpose by following a pattern for successful living that is Biblically based. A definition of success is a life well-spent.

There are 4 elements in the pattern for successful living:

1. Evaluation: facing your faults
(What do you need to change?)

2. Elimination: forgetting the former
(What memory do you need to let go of?)

3. Concentration: Focus on the future
(What is your goal for the rest of your life?)

4. Determination: Fight to the finish
(Life is a race, finish well.)

To hear more about each of the 4 elements and more, listen here.

Business Meeting - June 29, 2008

This recording is from our Business Meeting where the congregation voted to purchase 1306 North Rouse.

There is much discussion concerning church finances, the status of our modular purchase, and future building opportunities.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Safeguards For Maintaing Joy- How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life- Part 7"

This message is about how to maintain joy in your faith and life.
There are 3 safeguards for maintaining joy:

1. Live each day by grace.
In order to do this there are 5 things you should not trust:
a. rituals
b. race
c. religion
d. rules
e. reputation

2. Keep your priorities in perspective.

3. Get to know Christ better.
To hear more about the 3 safeguards and about how to renew your joy in Him, listen here.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Manhunt: The Signs of a Man"- How To Enjoy The Rest of Life- Part6

The focus of this message is about the signs of a true male, how to tell if you are one (men), and what to look for in one( ladies).

There are 3 false images of a man:
1. The Macho Maniac
2. The Great Pretender
3. The World Class Wimp

To spot/measure a true man there are 5 signs, or 5 C's:
1. Compassion- people are before possessions
2. Consistency- character is more important than convenience
3. Cooperation- teamwork is before Me-work
4. Commitment- Christ is before comfort
5. Courage- service is placed before security

To hear more about what is and isn't a man and for examples of the false images and the 5 C's, listen here.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

"Conquering Complaining"- How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life- Part 5

The focus of this message is about conquering complaining and what the Bible says about it. Philippians 2:14 says to do things without complaining.

There are 4 types of complainers:
1. The Whiner- “It's not fair!”
2. The Martyr- “No one appreciates me!”
3. The Cynic- “It's no use!”
4. The Perfectionist- “It's not good enough!”

There are 3 ways to conquer complaining:
1. Admit there is a problem
2. Practice speaking positively
3. Develop an attitude of gratitude

To hear more about how to recognize and conquer complaining, listen here.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kristian and Shannon Walker-Living Proof Ministries

This message is from Kristian Walker of Living Proof Ministries. The focus of this sermon is to count your blessings and not lose focus in life. God sees the whole picture. He wants us to worship him on good and bad days. When we worship God it brings 3 major things (3 P's)

1. Proximity- (James 4:8)Come near to God and he will come near to you.
2. Perspective- We will see things in a different light and be given peace.
3. Provision- (Philippians 4:19) He will supply our needs.

To hear more about the 3 P's and how God is the ultimate source for all our needs, listen here.