Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Basics: Validation

What is the best seat you have ever had?

Did your best seat match your ticket, or did you find a way to sneak down to a better seat? 
I love sneaking down to better seats, but I never seem to get comfortable in that seat, I keep waiting for someone to ask me, "Sir, may I see your ticket?" 
Not having a ticket for that seat, I can not justify my presence there, and get booted to the nosebleed seats. 

The longer I live, the more I feel that way about my life. 
That I need to justify it.  That I can validate my use of the time, space, and resources I take up trip around the sun.  
Am I good enough?  Do I matter?
This will conclude the series "Basics".
Click the link to hear the message, "Validation."