Saturday, February 27, 2010

Straight Instruction From A Crooked Illustration

This message talks about a straight instruction from a crooked illustration.

God owns everything

We were made to manage what God owns

The shrewd steward . . .

. . . looked ahead

. . . planned ahead

. . . acted quickly

The purpose of giving

You can’t take it with you à But you can send it on ahead

The pattern for living

If I’m faithful in the little things then God can trust me in the big things

The principle of blessing

There is a direct relationship between my giving and my spiritual depth

The priority of loving

I must choose what I will love most in life.

Money is to be used not loved

Money is a great servant it is a lousy God

If I live for money, it becomes my master

If I give my money, it becomes my servant

Jesus taught: Money leads heart follows